Object and Type
Object : FCGeneric
Type : Method
Public Sub AppendSort(ByVal field_name As String, _
ByVal ascending As String)
This method adds another sort clause for the generic object to query the database. This clause will be added to the end of any previous sorts specified with AppendSort. The field name must be a valid field (or MTO/OTOP relation) in the table. The ascending parameter is either ascending or descending.
You MUST set the DBObjectName (either by setting it, using SimpleQuery, ParentRelation/ParentBO, or TraverseFromParent) before you can call on this method. It requies that the generic object be set to a table or view first.
Note: You may also just set the SortFields property directly, if you would prefer. But that property requires that you know the correct SQL syntax for the sort.
Parameter Name Required? Description
field_name Yes Valid field name for the database object. If you wish, you may
also specify a valid MTO or OTOP relation name
ascending Yes A string that is one of:
1. ascending (or asc or a)
2. descending (or desc or d)
Error Codes
Value Meaning
12003 Bad ascending value specified
12004 Too many sorts specified. Please use the SortFields property instead
12023 The specified field is not valid for the query object
The following example uses AppendSort to sort a query of the site table by both status and site name.
The code in this example is written in JavaScript for inclusion in ASP pages.
// Order a query of sites by status and then site name
var boSite = FCSession.CreateGeneric();
boSite.AppendSort("status", "asc");
boSite.AppendSort("name", "asc");
// Now print them out
while (boSite.EOF != true)
Response.Write ("Site: " + boSite("name"));
Visual Basic:
The code in this example is written in Visual Basic.
Set boSite = fc_session.CreateGeneric
boSite.SimpleQuery "site"
boSite.AppendSort "status", "asc"
boSite.AppendSort "name", "asc"
While boSite.EOF = False
MsgBox "Site: " & boSite("name")